File python-django-waliki-reimplement-autolinks.patch of Package python-django-waliki

From cecb37c4cedc0c5ac7ed8bbfa2976114fd0f785a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Wagner <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2017 11:59:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Reimplement Autolinks using docutils

 docs/settings.rst           |  2 +-                    |  2 +-
 tests/        | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++------
 waliki/          | 20 ------------------
 waliki/directives/ | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 waliki/          |  4 ++--
 6 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 waliki/directives/

diff --git a/docs/settings.rst b/docs/settings.rst
index 0ca2e3d..280ca74 100644
--- a/docs/settings.rst
+++ b/docs/settings.rst
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ You can override any settings in your project's :file:`` file
                 'syntax_highlight': 'short',
                 'halt_level': 5,
-            'writer': HTML5Writer(),
+            'writer': WalikiHTML5Writer(),
             'writer_name': 'html5',
         'Markdown': {
diff --git a/ b/
index 8565700..af863db 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if sys.argv[-1] == 'publish':
 readme = open('README.rst').read()
 history = open('HISTORY.rst').read().replace('.. :changelog:', '')
-install_requires = ['django', 'Markups', 'sh', 'docutils', 'genshi', 'pyquery']
+install_requires = ['django', 'Markups', 'sh', 'docutils', 'genshi']
 extras_require = {                                      # noqa
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8aa1cf7..07c374d 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -81,12 +81,30 @@ class TestRestructuredText(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(Page.preview('reStructuredText', rst), rst_html)
     def test_link_explicit(self):
-        with mock.patch('waliki._markups.get_url') as get_url:
-            get_url.return_value = 'xxx'
-            html = Page.preview('reStructuredText', 'a link_')
-        self.assertEqual(html, '\n    <p>a <a href="xxx">link</a></p>\n')
-    def test_missing_text(self):
+        html = Page.preview('reStructuredText', 'a link_')
+        self.assertEqual(html, '\n    <p>a <a href="/link">link</a></p>\n')
+    def test_link_indirect(self):
+        html = Page.preview('reStructuredText', 'a text_\n\n.. _text: link_')
+        self.assertEqual(html, '\n    <p>a <a href="/link">text</a></p>\n')
+    def test_link_indirect_anonymous(self):
+        html = Page.preview('reStructuredText', 'a `long text`__\n\n__ link_')
+        self.assertEqual(html, '\n    <p>a <a href="/link">long text</a></p>\n')
+    def test_link_indirect_embedded(self):
+        html = Page.preview('reStructuredText', ('a `long text <meep_>`_\n\n'
+                                                 '.. _meep: link_'))
+        self.assertEqual(html, '\n    <p>a <a href="/link">long text</a></p>\n')
+    def test_link_crossref(self):
+        html = Page.preview('reStructuredText', ('a crossref_\n\n'
+                                                 '.. _crossref:\n\n'
+                                                 'the crossref target'))
+        self.assertEqual(html, ('\n    <p>a <a href="#crossref">crossref</a></p>'
+                                '\n    <p id="crossref">the crossref target</p>\n'))
+    def test_link_invalid_slug(self):
         html = Page.preview('reStructuredText', '`***`_')
         self.assertIn('problematic', html)
diff --git a/waliki/ b/waliki/
index 821c70e..a26f846 100644
--- a/waliki/
+++ b/waliki/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import sys
 from markups import (MarkdownMarkup as MarkdownMarkupBase,
                      TextileMarkup as TextileMarkupBase,
                      ReStructuredTextMarkup as ReStructuredTextMarkupBase)
-from pyquery import PyQuery
 from .utils import get_url
 from waliki.settings import WALIKI_AVAILABLE_MARKUPS
@@ -54,25 +53,6 @@ class ReStructuredTextMarkup(ReStructuredTextMarkupBase):
         self._publish_parts = override_publish_parts(self._publish_parts)
-    def get_document_body(self, text):
-        html = super(ReStructuredTextMarkup, self).get_document_body(text)
-        if not html:
-            return html
-        # Convert unknown links to internal wiki links.
-        # Examples:
-        #   Something_ will link to '/something'
-        #  `something great`_  to '/something-great'
-        #  `another thing <thing>`_  '/thing'
-        refs = [a.text[:-1] for a in PyQuery(html)('a.problematic') if not re.match(r'\|(.*)\|', a.text)]
-        # substitions =  [a.text[:-1] for a in PyQuery(html)('a.problematic') if re.match(r'\|(.*)\|', a.text)]
-        if refs:
-            refs = '\n'.join('.. _%s: %s' % (ref, get_url(ref))
-                             for ref in refs if get_url(ref))
-            html = super(ReStructuredTextMarkup, self).get_document_body(
-                        text + '\n\n' + refs)
-        return html
 class TextileMarkup(TextileMarkupBase):
     codemirror_mode_name = codemirror_mode = 'textile'
diff --git a/waliki/directives/ b/waliki/directives/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3137388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waliki/directives/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from ..rst2html5 import HTML5Writer
+from ..utils import get_url
+class WalikiAutolinksMixin(object):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(WalikiAutolinksMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.unknown_reference_resolvers = (
+            (self.wiki_resolver,) + self.unknown_reference_resolvers)
+    def wiki_resolver(self, node):
+        refuri = None
+        if hasattr(node, 'indirect_reference_name'):
+            refuri = node.indirect_reference_name
+        elif len(node['ids']) != 0:
+            # If the node has an id then it's probably an internal link. Let
+            # docutils generate an error.
+            pass
+        elif node.hasattr('name'):
+            refuri = node['name']
+        else:
+            refuri = node['refname']
+        refuri = self.wiki_resolve_url(refuri)
+        if not refuri:
+            return False
+        node['refuri'] = refuri
+        del node['refname']
+        node.resolved = 1
+        return True
+    wiki_resolver.priority = 1
+class WalikiHTML5Writer(HTML5Writer,WalikiAutolinksMixin):
+    def __init__(self):
+        HTML5Writer.__init__(self)
+        WalikiAutolinksMixin.__init__(self)
+    def wiki_resolve_url(self, slug):
+        return get_url(slug)
diff --git a/waliki/ b/waliki/
index 7fac6db..ae2dd70 100644
--- a/waliki/
+++ b/waliki/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from importlib import import_module
 import collections
 from django.conf import settings
 from .utils import get_url
-from waliki.rst2html5 import HTML5Writer
+from .directives.writer import WalikiHTML5Writer
     from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
 except ImportError:
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def _get_markup_settings(user_settings):
                         'syntax_highlight': 'short',
                         'halt_level': 5,
-                    'writer': HTML5Writer(),
+                    'writer': WalikiHTML5Writer(),
                     'writer_name': 'html5',
                 'Markdown': {